The Magical Hibiscus Flower

This one is a winner!!!  I was inspired the other day while watching Rachael Ray and her travels to Mexico.  Her husband made a drink similar to this but used much more lime juice and a special hibiscus flower syrup that I am sure you can only find online.  This is my version that is perfectly balanced and anyone can make at home.  I have also included the traditional water that is popular throughout Mexico.  You can find hibiscus in the Latin food section of your supermarket or local Latin Food store. 

Here's the history behind this magical flower:

Dried hibiscus flowers, known in Mexico as jamaica (pronounced "ha-mike-ah", rather than like the name of the Carribbean island country) have long been available in health food stores in the U.S. for making a tea that is high in vitamin C. With the advent of interest in south-of-the-border cuisine, hibiscus flowers are sold in bags. This drink is particularly good for people who have a tendency, temporary or otherwise, toward water retention: it is a mild and completely natural diuretic.

Hibiscus - Hibiscus Sabdariffa. Hibiscus is also called Rosella (roselle, Jamaica sorrel, karkadé). It's good to soothe colds, open blocked nose, clearing up mucous, as an astringent, promoting proper kidney function, helps digestion, a tonic, a diuretic and helps reduce fever. Some people call Hibiscus the "other cranberry" or habiscus.  Hope that was informative enough for you!

Hibiscus Margarita (Margarita Jamaica)

1 1/2 shots Hibiscus syrup
2 shots tequila
juice of 1 lime

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker.  Shake until very cold and serve straight up.

Hibiscus Syrup

2 c. water
1 oz package Hibiscus Flower (Flor de Jamaica)
2 c. sugar

Heat water to boil then remove from heat.  Add hibiscus flower and steep for 10 minutes.  Strain through a sieve and discard flowers.  Add sugar and stir till dissolved.  Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Hibisucs Water (Agua de Jamaica)  Non-Alcoholic drink

1 part Hibiscus Syrup
4 parts water

Combine and pour over ice.